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dc.provenance Hüseyin İnan en_US 2019-09-10T16:53:39Z 2019-09-10T16:53:39Z 9999
dc.identifier.other JAL.BIO.06.003.10.PC
dc.description Farklı boyutlardan tanımlanmamış 8 siyah beyaz kartpostal en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Donation by Hüseyin İnan, Protocol 01/03/2018 en_US
dc.format 8p, 18*14 en_US
dc.language.iso tr en_US
dc.rights Open Access en_US
dc.subject Camii en_US
dc.subject Mosque en_US
dc.subject At Arabası en_US
dc.subject Carriage en_US
dc.subject İnsanlar en_US
dc.subject People en_US
dc.subject Gündelik Hayat en_US
dc.subject Daily Life en_US
dc.title Çeşitli kartpostallar en_US
dc.title.alternative Miscellaneous postcards en_US
dc.type Post Card en_US
dc.rights.holder Boğaziçi University Archives and Documentation Center en_US
dc.print.type black and white en_US
dc.accrual.method Donation en_US
dc.identifier.barcode JALBIO0600310

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