M.S. Theses: Recent submissions

  • Yumuşak, Sadettin. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    In this work, we consider two problems and develop heuristic methods for theirsolution. The first one is the capacitated continuous location-allocation problem andcan be defined as locating facilities with capacities in ...
  • İleritürk, Emre. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    This study focuses on the management of the inventory system in one of the biggestbook and music chain stores in Turkey. The aim is to increase the profitability of the firmby determining the best ordering policy and the ...
  • Özbaş, Birnur. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    The Turkish Channels are one of the most strategically important waterway systemsin the world which have narrow and winding shapes that give them the semblanceof a river. Together with these geographical properties, bridges, ...
  • Akban, Ayfer. (Thesis (M.S.)- Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 1982., 1982.)
    This study investigates the nature and degree of competitiveness in Turkish Textile Industry. An industrial survey has been conducted among twelve firms employing a questionnaire due to Oral. Based on the results of the ...
  • Aybat, Necdet Serhat. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    The aim of this study is to simplify the classic Markowitz quadratic portfoliooptimization model by transforming it into an equivalent but simpler optimizationmodel so that when additional realistic constraints, such as ...
  • Erkuş, Oral Mert. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    The main environmental problems that most industrialized countries are facingnowadays are the increasing waste and the depletion of raw materials. To slowdown theincrease of waste, one effective method is the recovery of ...
  • Karanfil, Özge. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    Regulation of the body water and its appropriate distribution between compartmentsnecessitates an understanding of two homeostatic systems: the system that regulates theextracellular (EC) sodium concentration/body water ...
  • Güler, Mehmet Güray. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    The aim of this study is to fill a gap in coordination literature by providinganswers to two distinct research questions on two different systems: A newsvendorsystem and an assembly system. First part of the study analyzes ...
  • Demirel, Mustafa Lütfü. (Thesis (M.S)-Bogazici University.Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    This thesis presents an investment planning model that integrates learning curveinformation on renewable power generation technologies into a dynamic programming formulation featuring real options analysis. The model ...
  • Taşkın, Zeki Caner. (Thesis (M.S)-Bogazici University.Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    In this study, tactical and strategic level planning problems in float glass manufacturingare investigated. Float glass manufacturing is a continuous process which has some unique properties such as uninterruptible production, ...
  • Güleç, Ünal. (Thesis (M.S)-Bogazici University.Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    The objective of this thesis is to explore wind energy projects under competitiveelectricity market conditions by performing financial and economic analyses for alternative sites and projects in Turkey. The competitive ...
  • Tan, Burcu. (Thesis (M.S)-Bogazici University.Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2005., 2005.)
    In this study, two simulation models are built to study the long term usefulness ofgenetically modified agriculture via two GM crops: insect resistant (Bt-corn) and herbicide tolerant (HT canola). Using system dynamics ...
  • Yücel, Gönenç. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2004., 2004.)
    Most models about global sustainability treat the world as if it were a homogeneous, single-nation system. However, the clustering observed among nations with respect to their economic development levels results in two ...
  • Çanakoğlu, Ethem. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2004., 2004.)
    In this study, a model for telecommunication supply chains is developed. A two-stage supply chain consisting of one operator and one vendor is studied in both single period and multi period settings. The operator faces a ...
  • Vardar, Belkin (İlhan). (Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 1981., 1981.)
    In this study, a multi-item inventory control system fora firm where groups of items are supplied by their own specific factories, was developed. The dependence between items is caused by the set-up cost structure: When ...
  • Başkurt, Zeynep. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2004., 2004.)
    Spreadsheets have become popular during recent years. Spreadsheet simulation involves the use of a spreadsheet to represent the model and conduct sampling. Spreadsheets such as Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel and Quattro Pro ...
  • Uslu, Selman. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2004., 2004.)
    This study introduces a stochastic programming (SP) approach for modelling sustainable development issues under uncertainty. The aim is to point out how to apply SP for high risk with low probability events and how to form ...
  • Sak, Halis. (Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2003., 2003.)
    We discuss the use of parallel computing in Asian option pricing and evaluate the efficiency of various algorithms. We only focus on "backward-starting fixed strike" continuously averaged Asian options. We implement a ...
  • Kozanoğlu, Orkun. (Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2002., 2002.)
    In this study, the Excellence Model of European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) has been restructured for higher education institutions and integrated with Balanced Scorecard (BSC) management system and ABET ...
  • Kurşun, Mahmut. (Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2001., 2001.)
    In this study we have presented an object oriented design and implementation of a web based distributed simulation and control for real time systems. We have developed a system, which enables both controlling and simulating ...

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