University campuses are places with distinctive demographic and travel characteristics. These special characteristics of the campuses necessitate a separate research focusing on understanding the underlying structure and the factors a ecting travel to/from university campuses so that the campus transportation facilities are planned properly. Hence the main goal of this study is to understand the general characteristics of the transportation demand and supply for Bogazici University in general and to develop a trip modal-split model, which is one aspect of the general travel behavior. For ful lling this general goal following objectives were aimed at: (i) to carry out a literature review for campus transportation studies; (ii) to collect and analyze data for understanding the general structure of campus transportation demand and supply; (iii) to develop modal split model for campus trips; (iv) to provide conclusions for transportation characteristics in campuses and provide recommendations for improvements based upon the research ndings and nally; (v) to provide recommendations for further research. Bogazi ci University, founded in 1863, is one of the oldest universities in Turkey. It has four main campuses which are located in a hilly area in Istanbul and close to each other. For this study, data were collected through various tra c studies conducted in the campuses, interviews with sta and students and the records obtained from campus administration. Using the collected data campus transportation supply and demand characteristics were studied, a modal split model was calibrated for the University trips and some recommendations were made for transportation demand management through the understanding obtained from the analysis performed. Finally conclusions and recommendations for further research were provided.