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Hydraulic design of borland fish lock for Ordu Turnasuyu hydro electric power plant

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Civil Engineering.
dc.contributor.advisor Akkoyunlu, Atilla. Meşe, Afşın. 2023-03-16T10:51:33Z 2023-03-16T10:51:33Z 2019.
dc.identifier.other CE 2019 M37
dc.description.abstract The adverse impacts of artificial(man-made) obstacles such as dams and weirs on aquatic organisms have long been known. These artificial obstacles are critical threats especially to migratory species. Today these obstacles and threats can be made passable by the construction of fish passes. While the construction of fish passages does not remove the main ecological damage caused by dams, such as the loss of river continuum or river habitat, the negative ecological impact of barriers is reduced to a certain point and ecological compatibility is increased[1]. Fish passes are facilitates that enable the migration of aquatic organisms over obstructions to upstream or downstream or both direction[1]. Construction of a fish pass is the most common and reliable way for restoring the longitudinal connectivity of rivers. There are many types of fish passes that are being applied at present such as technical fish passes, close to nature type fish passes, fish locks and fish lifts. In this study general information about all types of fish passes mainly titled as close-to-nature types of fish passes, technical fish passes and fish lifts will be given and Borland Fish Locks will be investigated and mentioned in detail. The main purpose of this study is to emphasize the challenges of designing a fish pass for a high height dam or weir and to design a Borland fish lock, which has never been done before in Turkey, for Turnasuyu Hydropower Plant Project which will be installed on Turnasuyu River in Ordu. Also research studies that were done before were investigated in detail to understand the behavior of salmonids in order to make assumptions for the design parameters. These design parameters are given in detail in Chapter 4.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2019.
dc.subject.lcsh Hydroelectric power plants -- Ordu -- Turnasuyu.
dc.subject.lcsh Fishes -- Habitat -- Effect of thermal pollution on.
dc.title Hydraulic design of borland fish lock for Ordu Turnasuyu hydro electric power plant
dc.format.pages xi, 85 leaves ;

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