Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Design and characterization of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering.
dc.contributor.advisor Yıldırım, Ramazan,
dc.contributor.advisor Baysal, Bahattin M., Solak, Selen. 2023-03-16T11:06:33Z 2023-03-16T11:06:33Z 2013.
dc.identifier.other CHE 2013 S76
dc.description.abstract Design and characterization of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells were experimentally studied in this study. In the experiments, ITO or highly conductive PEDOT:PSS coated glasses were used as anode, P3HT and [60]PCBM or [70]PCBM were used as active layer materials and conductive PEDOT:PSS used as hole conducting layer. Aluminum, Woods metal and Ga-In eutectic were tested as cathode in the devices. All the experiments were done under atmospheric conditions. Conductive and highly conductive PEDOT:PSS, and blend of P3HT:PCBM materials were applied by spin coater. Al deposi-tion was done by thermal evaporator. On the other hand, Ga-In eutectic was directly ap-plied over the active layer while Woods metal was deposited after melting. Electrical char-acterizations of devices are done by Keithley 2400 and 2612A source meter and 100 W halogen lamp. Light intensity of halogen lamp was measured by MP-100 Apogee Instru-ments Pyranomoter and set to 1000 W/m2. In Al cathode structure, two working devices with appropriate diode characteristics were recorded. This was the same for Ga-In eutectic devices while no devices with Woods metal cathode structure were successfully per-formed. The best working device, which is one of with Ga-In eutectic cathode, showed the electrical characteristics of 0.14 % power conversion efficiency, 470 mV open circuit volt-age, 1.09 mA/cm2 short circuit current density and 27 % fill factor over 0.03 cm2 active area; these values are not as good as the values reported in the literature, probably because of the high degradation with oxygen under atmospheric conditions. In addition to this, the difficulties encountered during Al coating further decreased the efficiency of devices con-taining this metal.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2013.
dc.subject.lcsh Heterojunctions.
dc.subject.lcsh Solar cells.
dc.title Design and characterization of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
dc.format.pages xv, 60 leaves ;

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