Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Comparative evaluation of codes and regulations in Turkey for earthquake performance assessment of existing buildings

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Earthquake Engineering.
dc.contributor.advisor Hancılar, Ufuk. Dede, Şahin Özdoğan. 2023-03-16T12:55:01Z 2023-03-16T12:55:01Z 2020.
dc.identifier.other EQE 2020 D43
dc.description.abstract New Turkish Building Seismic Code published in 2018 has been officially in force since January 1, 2019. The new code introduces significant changes not only in the countrywide seismic hazard maps but also in structural modeling and analysis issues for the design of new buildings as well as in the definition of performance objectives and assessment methodologies for existing buildings. In this study, a comparative earthquake performance assessment of a reinforced concrete building in Istanbul is presented. The building, which was constructed in 2006, has four stories rising above a basement floor. The lateral load-carrying system consists of moment-resisting frames with two shear walls around the staircase. Although it is assumed that the building was designed according to the provisions of the Turkish Building Seismic Code-1998, it was identified as a risky building last year based on the simplified guidelines by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (Riskli Yapıların Tespit Edilmesine İlişkin Esaslar-2013). Earthquake performance of the study building is evaluated for the requirements of the new Turkish Building Seismic Code (2018) and of its previous version (2007) as well. For this purpose, a three-dimensional finite element model of the building is elaborated on the basis of the blueprints. Geometrical and material characteristics are further verified by the reports on in situ measurements and field tests. Linear and nonlinear static and dynamic analyses procedures are implemented, and a detailed assessment of the building against the performance criteria by each code is performed. Additionally, the building is assessed on the basis of the updated guidelines by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (Riskli Yapıların Tespit Edilmesine İlişkin Esaslar-2019). Outcomes of the earthquake performance assessments are presented comparatively, and the differences/changes among the codes and guidelines are highlighted.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.)-Bogazici University. Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, 2020.
dc.subject.lcsh Buildings -- Earthquake effects.
dc.subject.lcsh Earthquake hazard analysis.
dc.title Comparative evaluation of codes and regulations in Turkey for earthquake performance assessment of existing buildings
dc.format.pages xix, 127 leaves ;

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