Arşiv ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi
Dijital Arşivi

Eveline Thomson Scott'un radio röportajı ("Woman's Page of the Air" programı)

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dc.provenance Boğaziçi Cultural Museum Mr. Elliott, Mrs Hawley
dc.contributor.other Eveline Thomson Scott
dc.coverage.spatial Columbia Broadcasting System, 1940s 2017-12-08T12:35:24Z 2017-12-08T12:35:24Z 1943-10-08
dc.identifier.other SCT.ETS.05.008.03.DC
dc.description Mentioning the life and work of Eveline Thomson Scott in Istanbul.
dc.description.sponsorship İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/16/YNY/0089) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/16/YNY/0089)
dc.format 17p, 28*22
dc.language.iso EN
dc.rights Open Access
dc.subject Eveline Thomson Scott, Harold, Lorain Scott, Biography, Radio, Broadcasting, Columbia, World War I, Marriage, Turkey, Istanbul
dc.subject Eveline Thomson Scott, Harold, Lorain Scott, Biyografi, Radyo, Yayın, Columbia, Birinci Dünya Savaşı, Evlilik, Türkiye, İstanbul
dc.title Eveline Thomson Scott'un radio röportajı ("Woman's Page of the Air" programı)
dc.title.alternative Radio interview of Eveline Thomson Scott "Woman's Page of the Air"
dc.type document
dc.rights.holder Boğaziçi Archives and Documentation Center
dc.print.type typewriting
dc.accrual.method Donation
dc.identifier.barcode SCTETS0500803

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