A number of industrial work and daily life situations require hand torque strength exertions. Besides gender, age and handle type, it is also known that hand torque strength is affected by cross-national variations. Hence, hand torque strength norms should be established for various populations of the world for safe and efficient design of work, equipment and product that require use of hand torque strength. Therefore, this study aimed to establish the static hand torque strength norms of healthy adult female population of Turkey, and investigate the effects of handle type, posture, age-group, job-group and several anthropometric variables on hand torque strength. A sample of 257 female volunteers aged between 18 and 69 with roots from all seven regions of Turkey participated in the study. Maximum voluntary torque strengths of dominant hand were measured both in sitting and standing with four types of handles (cylindirical, circular, ellipsoid and key). Through statistical analysis descriptive values of torque strength and factor effects were determined.The results indicated that handle type, age-group and job-group significantly affect torque strength. The highest values were obtained with cylindrical handle followed by circular, ellipsoid and the lowest with key handle. The torque strength peaked in (30-39) age group for nonmanual and in (40-49) age-group for manual workers. Manual workers were stronger than non-manual workers. Marginally higher strength values were recorded in standing posture and with overweight subjects. Grip strength and some of the anthropometric variables, such as forearm circumference and hand breadth were significantly correlated with torque strength. Through this study, a first is achieved, and the static hand torque strength norms of adult female population of Turkey are established between the ages of 18 and 69 years. These norms can serve as a ‘reference’ in the design for torque strength for female population of Turkey. At the same time, one more ´gap´ is being filled in the ergonomics knowledgebase in the world.