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The noticing skills of novice mathematics teachers who have different teacher perspectives

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dc.contributor Graduate Program in Secondary School Science and Mathematics Education.
dc.contributor.advisor Karagöz Akar, Gülseren. Yıldırım, Kübra. 2023-03-16T11:30:52Z 2023-03-16T11:30:52Z 2020.
dc.identifier.other SCED 2020 Y55
dc.description.abstract The aim of this study was to investigate novice teachers' perspectives and noticing skills simultaneously in order to determine the relation between them. To examine the research question \What are the noticing skills of novice teachers who hold di erent teacher perspectives?", a multi-case qualitative research study was conducted. Two participants were selected from twenty-six pre-service teachers who had taken a professional development methods course in 2016. For the analysis, these two participants' two- real classroom-teachings both as a pre-service teacher in 2016 and as a novice teacher in 2018, the pre-interviews prior to and the post-interviews upon completion of the teachings were analysed by using the characteristics of teacher perspectives. In addition, the pre-interviews and post-interviews were further analysed for determining the teacher noticing by using the codes of learning to notice frameworks. Results of the analysis showed that one of the participants had the characteristics of Progressive Incorporation Perspective (PIP) and the other had the characteristics of Perception Based Perspective (PBP) both as pre-service teachers and novice teachers. Similarly, results showed that the participant with PIP perspective were at the extended level of teacher noticing and noticed more events and explained the events in more detail, in addition, results from the pre-interviews showed that both participants noticed and explained signi cant aspects of their teaching in the lesson planning process albeit having di erent reasons. The consistency between the results from the data in 2016 in which the participants were pre-service teachers and in 2018 in which the participants were novice teachers further has suggested that there is a correspondence between teacher perspectives and teacher noticing skills.
dc.format.extent 30 cm.
dc.publisher Thesis (M.S.) - Bogazici University. Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, 2020.
dc.subject.lcsh Mathematics -- Study and teaching.
dc.subject.lcsh Education.
dc.title The noticing skills of novice mathematics teachers who have different teacher perspectives
dc.format.pages xv, 227 leaves ;

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